Should Learn Programming?
These days programming is one of the most money maker career.
In this story I’m trying to share some programming benefits and harms into programmers.
But what risks do programmers take?
1- Burn Brain
Actually this situation will happens to some programmers maybe after two or three years less or more when they start their professional working.
In this situation programmer’s brain will trying to find a way to solve conflicts and challenges even when they want to sleep!!
For myself it was very bad period at first when I wanted to sleep and my brain was still working on challenges and conflicts and involuntary wake up and test unsure solution.
2- Life Balance
Considering num 1(Burn Brian) it’s too hard too balance your life.
It’s exactly likes creating a ‘For’ loop that if you cannot make a right condition to exit from the loop you will be captive in it and that ‘For loop’ will become an endless loop in this cases it’s too hard to make a correct condition and exit the loop.
So be careful of what loops are you going to make. Balance between work and life is the most important balance every programmer needs to pay attention to it.
3- Solitary Character
Have you ever hear that programmers have solitary character?
One of the most important reason for this theory is programmers need more concentration to solve a bug or find a way to solve a challenge. So they spend most of their time alone and get deep in their thought.
But in my case I don’t agree that 100 percent of programmers are solitary in their total life, but I agree that most of programmers are silent and maybe solitary when they get deep in their challenges and won’t talk and discuss until they really need to.
This was some of programming harms into programmers, but what’s the point of becoming programmer?
1- Magic Brain
After three years developing and designing as junior and mid level suddenly I realised that my brain in burning(harms unit part 1)(maybe it was the start of becoming senior)burn brain and magic brain are completely anthesis to each other and you can manage your brain to how should it work. In this way your brain will be like an automatic machine that can find a better way in less time in different subjects it’s completely ready for different conflicts and challanges
2- innovative character
Your brain won’t work as normal because it just work as well as you never experienced before, it searches and finds an innovative solution and way for every simple conditions not only relates to programming conflicts but also each problem he/she involves in.
Which of these symptoms do you agree or not agree with?
Do you like to start learning programming or not?
I’ll share programming tactic and QA in future stories.
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